Fitbody’s yearly Transformation Challenge encourages permanently healthy habits

Each year we go for the gusto around here in our little fitness studio. What once was called our LBD (little black dress) challenge has now morphed into a Transformation Challenge. We use many of the same directives, but we calculate the results a bit differently each time.

This year’s challenge began the first week of April and ended three weeks later since, as with all habits, it takes at least 21 days for new ones to become second nature. Fifteen challengers — all regular clients — participated, and all fifteen of them were eager to begin completely changing their exercise and eating regimens. Three teams of five participants, almost half of whom had been in previous challenges. That just meant competition was even keener. They were to stick to a keto-type diet, with healthy fats and lots of protein thrown in, not to exceed the macro-driven plan for each day.  They came in for their regular strength-training workouts, but were also tasked with taking 10,000 or more steps per day and completing a cardio portion on their own time. Once they did any of these assignments, they were also asked to announce their progress on our Facebook page.

The first week is always the hardest. And in this case, participants were actually leery of the amount of fat they were instructed to eat. But look at it this way: eating healthy fats is essential for the metabolism. So it ended up as a week of basic detoxing and for many, it resulted in fatigue. 

During Week 2, participants felt less bloated, more driven, and had more energy. While they began to notice differences in how their clothes fit, it was really all about correcting their eating course post-holidays and creating new habits. They noticed a big difference in their cravings — most notably with sugar. 

Says one participant: “This was my 2nd challenge at Fitbody with Tiara.  What I learned during this challenge, however, was to be consistent and persistent — never missing a workout, tracking my food, and counting my daily steps was a huge accomplishment for me. After one of the most challenging years last year for me, learning to stay consistent even though difficult times is what really makes you strong and gives you the power to accomplish your goals.This challenge was a perfect reset — just in time for summer!! And it was so much fun!”

Jennifer, another challenger added, “The challenge is an excellent way to jump start a clean eating and exercise regime. I realized that I personally thrive on competition. If you tell me to do 10,000 steps a day I will hit it and then some. Tiara structures the challenge in such a way that requires planning and preparing meals, scheduling workouts and team building activities and adding some personal meditation and reflection. All of this is designed to improve physical and mental health and to change how you approach healthy eating. I look forward to the challenge every year and truly love Tiara and all of her clientele - my Fitbody family!” 

Each week, we tabulated results based on how often each team did check-ins on social media, took photos of the number of steps they took each day and each week, whether they accomplished their cardio challenge both in and out of the workout studio, and how often they posted photos of their meals, all of it using a point system. The results? 

Team 3 won!  And to celebrate, we held a celebratory brunch at Sienna Restaurant in Roseville, on Sunday, April 24th, where participants were awarded tote bags, resistance bands, and protein bars. Gift cards went to the all-around winner and her initial participation fee was refunded.